Sonus Tenor Firmware P108-09-32 – January 2016

The old Tenor doesn’t see a lot of attention these days, but they’re still out there providing reliable analog and BRI port interfaces across the planet.

We’ve recently seen an update to the Tenor firmware to P108-09-32, up from this time 2 years ago when we saw P108-09-26.

The ReleaseNotes readme is no longer in the download bundle having moved to the Sonus support website (and to which you may not have access)*:

4930 SNMP – Tenor AXT/AFT did not return active calls or active channels in certain situations

The Tenor AXT/AFT models did not return active calls or active channels when being queried by the SNMP server. This has been resolved.

4931 SIP Session ID and Session ID changed but version in SDP stayed the same

The Tenor changed the Session ID, while leaving the version number unchanged in the SDP between the 180 ringing and 200 OK responses to the INVITE. This was treated as non-compliance by the TSS, and the call was dropped. This has been resolved and the call is now compliant with the RFC for SDP Session ID and Version Number.

4932 SDP changes in ACK messages were not processing for calls going On Hold

Tenor did not process any SDP changes for calls that were going On Hold (if the SDP changes coming from the IP-PBX / SBC were in the SIP ACK message). As a result, calls were not re-sent out properly after receiving a Music on Hold. This has been resolved.

4933 Modem Bypass setting in LCRG/TCRG was unable to be set when “New Routing” was enabled

When “New Routing” was used in the Tenor, the user was unable to enable/set the Modem Bypass setting to 2 (MoIP) in the LCRG. This setting was restricted and could not be accessed via Configuration Manager or Command Line Interface (CLI). This has been resolved.

4934 Tenor was not interpreting absence of “a=” media direction field

When the peer side put the Tenor on Hold and later sent a Re-invite without the “a=” media direction field, the Tenor did not interpret the absence of the direction field in SDP as a sendRecv. As a result, the call had one way audio. This has been resolved.

4935 Factory default setting for G729 codec’s payload size was changed

If a new G729 codec was added or an existing G729 code was changed, the payload size setting defaulted to 40 ms.The default has been changed to 30ms.

4936 Time Server IP in DHCP offer causes the Tenor to reboot continuously

During the boot up / DHCP IP assignment process, if an NTP Time Server IP Address was configured, it caused the Tenor gateway to get stuck in a reboot cycle. This has been resolved.

4937 Caller ID detection issue with the  PSTN Line

PSTN lines connected to the Tenor’s FXO ports were not detecting Caller ID. This has been resolved.

4938 New configuration item in SIP Signaling Group

To enable a Tenor to negotiate for a ReInvite that puts the Tenor on hold, a new configuration option Negotiate Media in Hold Reinvite (check to negotiate media; uncheck to disable negotiating media) has been added to the Configuration Manager under SIP Signaling Group> Advanced Tab. This configuration field was previously included in the varconfig as sipNegotiateMediaInHoldReInviteas (see 4925).

Click the field to enable/disable: Check (Enables a Tenor to negotiate negotiate media when it receives a ReInvite that put the Tenor on hold) or Uncheck (Disables Tenor from negotiating media when it receives a ReInvite that put the Tenor on hold).

4939 EnableLocalRouting configuration item displayed when New Routing was not used

Configuration parameter EnableLocalRouting was displayed even when Routing Table was not used. The EnableLocalRouting field must be displayed only when Routing Table is used. This has been resolved.

4940 New configuration item in Gateway 

To support Direct SIP Enhanced Gateway in support of Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 deployments, a configuration option Lync Interworking (check to enable Tenor to drop short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise; uncheck to disable Tenor from dropping short packets) has been added to the Configuration Manager under Gateway. This configuration item was previously included in the varconfig as lyncInterOp (see 4874). In order to use a Tenor in a Lync Environment, the field must be checked.

Click the field to enable/disable: Check (Enables a Tenor to drop short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise) or Uncheck (Disables Tenor from dropping short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise).

4942 SIP Trace: Inconcistent output format of SIP messages

In SIP Trace (sproto), some SIP messages (i.e., Invite, 183, 180) were formatted by indenting to the right while some other messages (i.e., Trying, Cancel) did not have the same formatting and indentation.This has been resolved.

4943 Evlogsys now configurable in Configuration Manager and CLI

The varconfig evsyslog command is now configurable in the Configuration Manager and CLI; this command is used to control sending evlog output to the Syslog Server. Configure the command as follows:

In Configuration Manager:
The Enable Event Logging Server checkbox is available under System-Wide Configuration> SysLog Server > SysLog Server-1. Click to enable (evlog output is sent to syslog); unclick to disable (evlog output is not sent to syslog). The default is unchecked. This field can be enabled only for the first Sys-Log Server in the list.
The SYSLogEnableEvlog command is available under SYSLogServer-1. Valid entry: 0 (disable, default) or 1 (enable). This field can be enabled only for the first SysLog Server in the list.

To enable a Tenor to negotiate for a ReInvite that puts the Tenor on hold, a new configuration option Negotiate Media in Hold Reinvite (check to negotiate media; uncheck to disable negotiating media) has been added to the Configuration Manager under SIP Signaling Group> Advanced Tab. This configuration field was previously included in the varconfig as sipNegotiateMediaInHoldReInviteas (see 4925).

Click the field to enable/disable: Check (Enables a Tenor to negotiate negotiate media when it receives a ReInvite that put the Tenor on hold) or Uncheck (Disables Tenor from negotiating media when it receives a ReInvite that put the Tenor on hold).

4939 EnableLocalRouting configuration item displayed when New Routing was not used

Configuration parameter EnableLocalRouting was displayed even when Routing Table was not used. The EnableLocalRouting field must be displayed only when Routing Table is used. This has been resolved.

4940 New configuration item in Gateway 

To support Direct SIP Enhanced Gateway in support of Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 deployments, a configuration option Lync Interworking (check to enable Tenor to drop short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise; uncheck to disable Tenor from dropping short packets) has been added to the Configuration Manager under Gateway. This configuration item was previously included in the varconfig as lyncInterOp (see 4874). In order to use a Tenor in a Lync Environment, the field must be checked.

Click the field to enable/disable: Check (Enables a Tenor to drop short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise) or Uncheck (Disables Tenor from dropping short packets, such as STUN and comfort noise).

4942 SIP Trace: Inconcistent output format of SIP messages

In SIP Trace (sproto), some SIP messages (i.e., Invite, 183, 180) were formatted by indenting to the right while some other messages (i.e., Trying, Cancel) did not have the same formatting and indentation.This has been resolved.

4943 Evlogsys now configurable in Configuration Manager and CLI

The varconfig evsyslog command is now configurable in the Configuration Manager and CLI; this command is used to control sending evlog output to the Syslog Server. Configure the command as follows:

  • In Configuration Manager:
    • The Enable Event Logging Server checkbox is available under System-Wide Configuration> SysLog Server > SysLog Server-1. Click to enable (evlog output is sent to syslog); unclick to disable (evlog output is not sent to syslog). The default is unchecked. This field can be enabled only for the first Sys-Log Server in the list.
  • In CLI:
    • The SYSLogEnableEvlog command is available under SYSLogServer-1. Valid entry: 0 (disable, default) or 1 (enable). This field can be enabled only for the first SysLog Server in the list.

Updated Config Manager

You’ll notice some references above to there being new settings in Config Manager. It gets an associated update to this time too, but you can read about that in my next post.


The process hasn’t changed – indeed, the “Tenor_Upgrade_Instructions.pdf” is dated 2006! – and you can see my walkthrough in my previous post on the subject here. I followed it to update the asm200 that runs the show at greiginsydney and it worked as expected:


Downloading the Firmware


Sorry, I can’t send you the firmware. You’ll need a valid login to the partner portal for that.


– G.


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