SfB 2019 Server Update – June 2023

It’s been a while since we’ve seen an update to Skype for Business Server 2019, October’s 7.0.2046.409.

Today we see build 7.0.2046.521, which updated six components on my Standard Edition Front-End.

What’s Fixed?

“KB” numbers seem to have gone the way of the dodo…

What’s New?

This article announces the arrival of the Emergency Mitigation Service, with some companion commandlets.

Microsoft takes security very seriously and we continue to work hard to protect your systems and data from cyber threats and to comply with evolving regulations. In line with this, we have introduced the Skype for Business Server Emergency Mitigation Service to help protect your servers from potential threats. This service provides a temporary and interim mitigation until you can install an update that fixes the vulnerability.

The new cmdlets are:


What’s Changed?

Nothing noted.

Known Issues

After you uninstall this update, the standard MACP user sign-in URL (“https://<your pool FQDN>/macp”) fails. Instead, you have to use the following URL to sign in to MACP:

https://<your pool FQDN>/macp/

Note the now critical trailing slash. I tested this without the trailing slash and it worked, so I don’t know if this is an old notice that’s now obsolete, or still relevant in some scenarios. One to note regardless.


Don’t forget to run bootstrapper, as that’s when the new EMS is installed. You’ll usually find bootstrapper in C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2019\Deployment\.


Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Lab’s Standard Edition Front-End:

Emergency Mitigation Service – EMS

As mentioned above, this CU adds the EMS. Here’s it being installed with Bootstrapper:

… and here it is in the service list afterwards:


The installer didn’t prompt me to reboot, but I always like to give it one for good measure.

Revision History

12th July 2023: This is the initial release.

– G.

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