Sonus Updates Tenor Config Manager

As outlined in my previous post, the old “Quintum” Config Manager app has just scored an update to match some of the new/changed values in the firmware.

It’s significant if you’ve been around the traps for a while because Sonus has used this as an opportunity to finally replace the old NET and Quintum branding.

What’s Changed?

What, other than the branding and colours you mean?

  • It installs by default to a new path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sonus Networks\Tenor Configuration Manager
  • Some new prompts (as outlined in the readme for P108-09-32).

What’s not Changed?

You still need to switch it to “OCS mode” with the code 7002 if you want the OCS/Lync/SfB Wizard, etc:



Before / After

Just for the nostalgia kick:

TenorCM108-19 TenorCM108-20

Download It

Sorry, I can’t send you the firmware. You’ll need a valid login to the partner portal for that.


– G.


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