Quick Tip: Am I SE or EE?

I occasionally find myself thrown into a strange Lync or SfB environment – sometimes it’s even a TeamViewer session – and I need to hit the ground running and start discovering what’s going on.

Quicker than running up Topology Builder or wading through the output of Get-CsPool, “Get-CsComputer –Local” will tell you very quickly if the machine you’re on is a Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition.

PS C:\> Get-CsComputer -Local

Identity : sfb2015fe.contoso.local
Pool     : sfb2015fe.contoso.local
Fqdn     : sfb2015fe.contoso.local

PS C:\>

If all three values are the same, you’re on an SE machine – and if it turns out to be an EE server, its pool will be identified for you too!



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