
My current work project is to add an Australia-wide Lync deployment into a much larger global installation.

As part of this I’ve found it’s sometimes a challenge to monitor just those bits that I’m responsible for. The Command “get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus” – or “get-CsMana<tab><tab>” as I prefer to call it – outputs too much “noise”, scrolling many screens showing the health of servers on the other side of the planet, and over which I have no control (and thus, interest).

Hence, I now have a script that I can hard-code with the FEs and SBAs I’m concerned about, and it will query their replication status and give me a nice summary at the bottom of the output.

$SiteList = @("<FE1-FQDN>")
$SiteList += "<FE2-FQDN>"
$SiteList += "<FE3-FQDN>"
$SiteList += "<FE4-FQDN>"
$SiteList += "<FE5-FQDN>"
$SiteList += "<FE6-FQDN>"

$ReplicationStatusList = @()
$SitesNotReplicating = 0

#Capture user's normal foreground colour:
$savedColour = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Gray"

foreach ($site in $SiteList)
$ReplicationStatusList += invoke-expression "Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -replicaFQDN $site"

foreach ($status in $ReplicationStatusList)
if ($status.UpToDate -like "False")
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
write-output "UpToDate           : False"
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Gray"
write-output "UpToDate           : True"
write-output "ReplicaFqdn        : $($status.ReplicaFqdn)"
write-output "LastStatusReport   : $($status.LastStatusReport)"
write-output "LastUpdateCreation : $($status.LastUpdateCreation)"
write-output "ProductVersion     : $($status.ProductVersion)"
write-output ""

if ($SitesNotReplicating -eq 0)
write-output "All sites replicating OK"
if ($SitesNotReplicating -eq 1)
write-warning "1 site is not replicating"
write-warning "$($SitesNotReplicating) sites are not replicating"

#Restore saved colour:
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedColour

If you’re actually interested in seeing the health of an ENTIRE Lync deployment, here’s the slightly more compact alternative version:

$ReplicationStatusList = @()
$SitesNotReplicating = 0

#Capture user's normal foreground colour:
$savedColour = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Gray"

$ReplicationStatusList += invoke-expression "Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus"

foreach ($status in $ReplicationStatusList)
if ($status.UpToDate -like "False")
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
write-output "UpToDate           : False"
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Gray"
write-output "UpToDate           : True"
write-output "ReplicaFqdn        : $($status.ReplicaFqdn)"
write-output "LastStatusReport   : $($status.LastStatusReport)"
write-output "LastUpdateCreation : $($status.LastUpdateCreation)"
write-output "ProductVersion     : $($status.ProductVersion)"
write-output ""

if ($SitesNotReplicating -eq 0)
write-output "All sites replicating OK"
if ($SitesNotReplicating -eq 1)
write-warning "1 site is not replicating"
write-warning "$($SitesNotReplicating) sites are not replicating"

#Restore saved colour:
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedColour

Feel free to tweak either version to suit your own purposes. I humm’d and haa’d over whether to suppress the display of the healthy sites, only outputting to the screen the sites that require some attention, so I’ll leave that choice to you.



– G.

Colour commands reference:

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