SfBS 2019 CU2 December 2019

Just in time for an early Christmas we have CU2 for SfBS2019. This update builds upon September’s CU1 HF1, updating eleven components on my SE Front-End. It takes the build from 7.0.2046.143 to 7.0.2046.151.

What’s Fixed?

  • 4525498 Ability to add server roles in tri-existence mode will be blocked in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4525496 Skype for Business Server 2019 continues to write to CLS ETL even after CLS logging is stopped
  • 4507233 Enterprise users can’t request control of an anonymous user’s shared screen in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4507232 Resuming a PSTN call that was put on hold results in one-way audio in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510851 SCOM SQL alerts are created every hour on SQL secondary replica server if “Always On” for Monitoring server is set in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510844 Can’t find the response group agent that’s synced from an existing distribution list in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510855 Can’t edit interactive RGS workflows via the web interface in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4526182 In-a-meeting and Presenting presence states are available for UCWA clients in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510850 Skype for Business on Mac user’s latest photo can’t be seen until signing in to a Windows client in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510846 “InstallDatabaseInternalFailure: An internal error has occurred…” error when you install new databases in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4525504 bootstrapper.exe doesn’t work in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4511313 “Too many outstanding requests for a single user” error occurs on Front-End servers in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4532748 New registry key “\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\MSExchange OWA” for Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4503584 “The Audio/Video Conferencing Server has failed to create a conference” error (ID 32005) occurs on Audio/Video Conferencing Server in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4525500 Users who’re not Enterprise Voice enabled can dial out when PreventPSTNTollBypass is true in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4525499 Call forwarding and voice mail not working for LBR users who’re signed out of all clients in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4518680 Can’t transfer external calls by using Polycom VVX phones in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4510847 Rate My Call on UCWA clients still shows in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4525503 Support Skype Meetings App loading the latest source from CDN if ECS request fails in Skype for Business Server 2019
  • 4487817 Conversation History time stamp in Outlook differs from the time stamp of UCWA clients in Skype for Business Server 2019


At release back in CU1 the “-TeamDelegateRingWaitTime” was capped at 10 seconds, but it now seems to align with the client experience: you can specify any value provided it’s a multiple of 5s and at least 5s less than the “-UnansweredWaitTime”. It throws red if you get that wrong:

PS C:\> Set-CsUserCallForwardingSettings jessica@contoso.com -EnableSimulRing Team -TeamDelegateRingWaitTime 50
Set-CsUserCallForwardingSettings : Ring wait time must be specified as one of the following values: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.

Unfortunately there’s no news on the missing Group Call Pickup management, nor the ability to manage Common Area Phones. :-(

What’s New?

Nothing noted. There are no new cmdlets added in this update.

What’s Changed?

Nothing noted.

Known Issues

Nothing noted.



Don’t forget it you’ve not patched your server yet, you’ll need some more Windows features:

install-windowsfeature ManagementOdata,Web-Lgcy-Scripting,Web-WMI,Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console,Web-Mgmt-Service

Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Lab’s Standard Edition Front-End:

Database Updates

My SEFE, previously patched to CU1 HF1 needed no database updates:

PS C:\Users\greig> Test-CsDatabase -LocalService | ft *name,*edversion

SqlInstanceName DatabaseName ExpectedVersion InstalledVersion
--------------- ------------ --------------- ----------------
rtc             rtcxds       15.13.21        15.13.21
rtc             rtcab        62.42.13        62.42.13
rtc             rgsconfig    5.5.2           5.5.2
rtc             rgsdyn       2.2.1           2.2.1
rtc             cpsdyn       1.1.2           1.1.2
rtclocal        rtc          125.74.89       125.74.89
lynclocal       lyss         12.44.13        12.44.13
rtclocal        xds          10.16.7         10.16.7

PS C:\Users\greig>


No, the installer didn’t prompt for a reboot, but I always like to give it one anyway.

Revision History

4th December 2019: This is the initial release.


– G.

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