Lync 2013 Server Update – November 2016

As of ~8th December this update has been withdrawn by Microsoft:
An issue was discovered in the Lync Server 2013 November 2016 Update (build 8308.974) that causes contact searches on mobile clients to return no results. Because of this issue, the November 2016 Update is no longer available for public download. The Skype for Business team is working on a fix that is scheduled to be delivered soon in a new update“.
15th December: … and fixed here.

This CU updates four components from 5.0.8308.956 & .965 to 5.0.8308.974.

What’s Fixed?

  • Kb3204551 Improve the experience of moving users in a Lync Server 2013 environment
  • Kb3204552 Skype for Business mobile clients don’t show telephone numbers for some users on contact card
  • Kb3204547 You can’t join a meeting from Safari or Firefox through a Lync Server 2013 Mac app
  • Kb3204546 You can’t join a meeting from outside Skype for Business or Lync on iOS 10.0 and later versions

What’s New?

  • Kb3204553 Lync Server 2013 adds support for Skype for Business for Mac

The same Commandlet added to SfB 2015 in its CU4 has also materialised here too:

  • Get-CsPlatformServiceSettings
  • New-CsPlatformServiceSettings
  • Remove-CsPlatformServiceSettings
  • Set-CsPlatformServiceSettings

Here’s what that looks like:

PS C:\Users\Greig> Get-CsPlatformServiceSettings
Identity                   : Global
EnableDelegateManagement   : False
EnablePushNotifications    : True
UseLegacyPushNotifications : True
EnableE911                 : True
PS C:\Users\Greig>

(As at Nov 17th it doesn’t appear to have made it to TechNet yet).



Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Standard Edition Front-End:


My FE was current prior to installing this update, so there was no need to update databases:

PS C:\> Test-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn lync2013se.contoso.local | ft DatabaseName,ExpectedVersion,InstalledVersion -auto
DatabaseName ExpectedVersion InstalledVersion
------------ --------------- ----------------
xds          10.13.3         10.13.2
lis          3.1.1           3.1.1
rtcxds       15.13.2         15.13.2
rtcshared    5.0.1           5.0.1
rtcab        62.42.3         62.42.3
rgsconfig    5.5.1           5.5.1
rgsdyn       2.2.1           2.2.1
cpsdyn       1.1.2           1.1.2
PS C:\>

After you’ve run the installer & updated the databases (if required), don’t overlook the final few steps:

  1. Enable-CSTopology – which will fail if you have SfB2015 co-existing, so don’t be frightened by the error “Command execution failed: “1” error categories reported in topology document.”
  2. Fire off the bootstrapper: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Deployment\Bootstrapper.exe
  3. And if you’ve skipped an update or two, best run Update-CsAdminRole after you’re done to make sure the new commandlets added in previous updates are accessible when PS Remoting.


No, one was not required.

Revision History

17th November: This is the initial release.
9th December: Added text announcing the CU has been pulled.
15th December: Updated to reference the new December fix-up.

– G.


  1. Kb3204551 Improve the experience of moving users in a Lync Server 2013 environment

    Shaking my head. This one has a hilarious explanation… Or actually, the lack of any specification. Now applying this update will the Lync control panel give me coffee every time I move a user? Or otherwise said, what should I set as expectation based on such ambiguous KB article title? I really dont get what the SFB team in Redmond think in their heads about product updates offered for their customers operations department.

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