SFBS 2019 CU1 HF1 – September 2019

To borrow from the tourist trap t-shirt, “I was hoping for a CU, and and all I got was this lousy HF”. Oh well, any fix is a good fix. This update builds upon July’s CU1, updating only two components on my SE Front-End. It takes the build from 7.0.2046.123 to 7.0.2046.143.

What’s Fixed?

  • Kb 4518403 Event ID 25075 on Mediation server regarding SipHealthMonitor not being configured in Skype for Business Server 2019.
  • Kb 4518404 Call Queue agent can’t transfer PSTN call to internal Skype for Business Online user from different SIP domain in Skype for Business Server 2019.

What’s New?

Nothing noted. There are no new cmdlets added in this update.

What’s Changed?

Nothing noted.

Known Issues

Nothing noted.



Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Lab’s Standard Edition Front-End:

Database Updates

My SEFE, previously patched to CU1 needed no database updates:

PS C:\Users\greig> Test-CsDatabase -LocalService | ft *name,*edversion

SqlInstanceName DatabaseName ExpectedVersion InstalledVersion
--------------- ------------ --------------- ----------------
rtc             rtcxds       15.13.21        15.13.21
rtc             rtcab        62.42.13        62.42.13
rtc             rgsconfig    5.5.2           5.5.2
rtc             rgsdyn       2.2.1           2.2.1
rtc             cpsdyn       1.1.2           1.1.2
rtclocal        rtc          125.74.89       125.74.89
lynclocal       lyss         12.44.13        12.44.13
rtclocal        xds          10.16.7         10.16.7

PS C:\Users\greig>


No, the installer didn’t prompt for a reboot, but I always like to give it one anyway.

Revision History

28th September 2019: This is the initial release.


– G.

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