SfB 2015 Server Update – February 2017

This February 2017 update takes the server from 6.0.9319.272 to 6.0.9319.277 & updates 5 components on my Standard Edition Front-End.

What’s Fixed?

  • Kb3212371 Skype for Business Server 2015 installer can’t update necessary drivers (Media Relay driver)
  • Kb3209571 LastActive attribute provides inaccurate information about a user’s presence status in Skype for Business
  • Kb3209570 You can’t set mobile phone number if it matches work phone number in Skype for Business Server 2015
  • Kb3209569 Display name in contact cards is not returned in Skype for Business Server 2015
  • Kb3209568 Add Push Notification support for Skype for Business for iOS and Android clients in Skype for Business Server 2015
  • Kb3209567 Add a flag to the Web.config file to allow Join Launcher to accept across-domain anonymous meeting join requests
  • Kb3209566 Skype for Business Server 2015 installer may fail silently in Windows Server 2016
  • Kb3209565 Enhanced 911 (E911) calls don’t work through the non-Windows authentication in Skype for Business
  • Kb3209563 Update reverts the Application Sharing Server (ASMCU) changes in CU4 in Skype for Business Server 2015
  • Kb3207037 UCWA may crash when parsing the ms-trunking-peer header in Skype for Business Server 2015

What’s New?

The KB reports “This update enables Location-Based Routing to support the Skype for Business mobile clients” – as it also did in the November update.



Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Lab’s Standard Edition Front-End:



The installer prompted me to reboot:


Revision History

19th February 2017: This is the initial release.


  1. Kb3209569 Display name in contact cards is not returned in Skype for Business Server 2015
    Description says: When you search for a contact in Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015, display name of the contact isn’t shown in the search result . This issue occurs because the Unified Communications Web API (UCWA) doesn’t return display name in the search response.

    I mean is this serious???

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