Polycom VVX & Trio Time Zone Location Description

I was working on a Polycom VVX configuration file recently and it took me a while to find where the timezone cities were defined: all I had was a mysterious integer.

I found them in the PDF “3725-49078-018a-uc-software-skype-for-business-deployment-guide-5-6-0.pdf” but for future reference I decided to copy and re-post them here.

From the PDF: “The following two parameters configure a time zone location description for their associated GMT offset”

  • device.sntp.gmtOffsetcityID
  • tcpIpApp.sntp.gmtOffsetcityID

Here’s one in context (with Sydney showing in this example):

<device device.sntp.gmtOffsetcityID="113" device.sntp.gmtOffsetcityID.set="1" />

Out by One

There is however a slight problem here – probably several. First is that my adopted hometown and Brisbane don’t share the same time-zone, but more importantly the list in the PDF differs from what the phone reports by one – the phone starts with Eniwetok,Kwajalein as entry 1, however the PDF lists these small islands in the Pacific as per the list below.

Sydney-BrisbaneTimezone NoTimezone-0

You’ll also note that the XML snippet above (from my own provisioning server & config file) shows Sydney as 113, but the phone reports it as 114.

*Disregard* the number in the phone – the PDF is correct & aligns with the cfg file. I expect this will be corrected for in a future update. [Note the f/w version being referenced here is].

BTW, to view the current Time Zone in the phone, the shortcut is Settings / 1-Basic / 1-Preferences / 3-Time and Date / 4-Time Zone.


0    (GMT -12:00) Eniwetok,Kwajalein
1    (GMT -11:00) Midway Island
2    (GMT -10:00) Hawaii
3    (GMT -9:00) Alaska
4    (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
5    (GMT -8:00) Baja California
6    (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
7    (GMT -7:00) Chihuahua,La Paz
8    (GMT -7:00) Mazatlan
9    (GMT -7:00) Arizona
10    (GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
11    (GMT -6:00) Mexico City
12    (GMT -6:00) Saskatchewan
13    (GMT -6:00) Guadalajara
14    (GMT -6:00) Monterrey
15    (GMT -6:00) Central America
16    (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
17    (GMT -5:00) Indiana (East)
18    (GMT -5:00) Bogota,Lima
19    (GMT -5:00) Quito
20    (GMT -4:30) Caracas
21    (GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
22    (GMT -4:00) San Juan
23    (GMT -4:00) Manaus,La Paz
24    (GMT -4:00) Asuncion,Cuiaba
25    (GMT -4:00) Georgetown
26    (GMT -3:30) Newfoundland
27    (GMT -3:00) Brasilia
28    (GMT -3:00) Buenos Aires
29    (GMT -3:00) Greenland
30    (GMT -3:00) Cayenne,Fortaleza
31    (GMT -3:00) Montevideo
32    (GMT -3:00) Salvador
33    (GMT -3:00) Santiago
34    (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic
35    (GMT -1:00) Azores
36    (GMT -1:00) Cape Verde Islands
37    (GMT 0:00) Western Europe Time
38    (GMT 0:00) London,Lisbon
39    (GMT 0:00) Casablanca
40    (GMT 0:00) Dublin
41    (GMT 0:00) Edinburgh
42    (GMT 0:00) Monrovia
43    (GMT 0:00) Reykjavik
44    (GMT +1:00) Belgrade
45    (GMT +1:00) Bratislava
46    (GMT +1:00) Budapest
47    (GMT +1:00) Ljubljana
48    (GMT +1:00) Prague
49    (GMT +1:00) Sarajevo,Skopje
50    (GMT +1:00) Warsaw,Zagreb
51    (GMT +1:00) Brussels
52    (GMT +1:00) Copenhagen
53    (GMT +1:00) Madrid,Paris
54    (GMT +1:00) Amsterdam,Berlin
55    (GMT +1:00) Bern,Rome
56    (GMT +1:00) Stockholm,Vienna
57    (GMT +1:00) West Central Africa
58    (GMT +1:00) Windhoek
59    (GMT +2:00) Bucharest,Cairo
60    (GMT +2:00) Amman,Beirut
61    (GMT +2:00) Helsinki,Kyiv
62    (GMT +2:00) Riga,Sofia
63    (GMT +2:00) Tallinn,Vilnius
64    (GMT +2:00) Athens,Istanbul
65    (GMT +2:00) Damascus
66    (GMT +2:00) E.Europe
67    (GMT +2:00) Harare,Pretoria
68    (GMT +2:00) Jerusalem
69    (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad (RTZ 1)
70    (GMT +2:00) Tripoli
71    (GMT +3:00) Moscow
72    (GMT +3:00) St.Petersburg
73    (GMT +3:00) Volgograd (RTZ 2)
74    (GMT +3:00) Kuwait,Riyadh
75    (GMT +3:00) Nairobi
76    (GMT +3:00) Minsk
77    (GMT +3:30) Tehran
78    (GMT +3:00) Baghdad
79    (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi,Muscat
80    (GMT +4:00) Baku,Tbilisi
81    (GMT +4:00) Izhevsk,Samara (RTZ 3)
82    (GMT +4:00) Port Louis
83    (GMT +4:00) Yerevan
84    (GMT +4:30) Kabul
85    (GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg (RTZ 4)
86    (GMT +5:00) Islamabad
87    (GMT +5:00) Karachi
88    (GMT +5:00) Tashkent
89    (GMT +5:30) Mumbai,Chennai
90    (GMT +5:30) Kolkata,New Delhi
91    (GMT +5:30) Sri Jayawardenepura
92    (GMT +5:45) Kathmandu
93    (GMT +6:00) Astana,Dhaka
94    (GMT +6:00) Almaty
95    (GMT +6:00) Novosibirsk (RTZ 5)
96    (GMT +6:30) Yangon (Rangoon)
97    (GMT +7:00) Bangkok,Hanoi
98    (GMT +7:00) Jakarta
99    (GMT +7:00) Krasnoyarsk (RTZ 6)
100    (GMT +8:00) Beijing,Chongqing
101    (GMT +8:00) Hong Kong,Urumqi
102    (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur
103    (GMT +8:00) Singapore
104    (GMT +8:00) Taipei,Perth
105    (GMT +8:00) Irkutsk (RTZ 7)
106    (GMT +8:00) Ulaanbaatar
107    (GMT +9:00) Tokyo,Seoul,Osaka
108    (GMT +9:00) Sapporo,Yakutsk (RTZ 8)
109    (GMT +9:30) Adelaide,Darwin
110    (GMT +10:00) Canberra
111    (GMT +10:00) Magadan (RTZ 9)
112    (GMT +10:00) Melbourne
113    (GMT +10:00) Sydney,Brisbane
114    (GMT +10:00) Hobart
115    (GMT +10:00) Vladivostok
116    (GMT +10:00) Guam,Port Moresby
117    (GMT +11:00) Solomon Islands
118    (GMT +11:00) New Caledonia
119    (GMT +11:00) Chokurdakh (RTZ 10)
120    (GMT +12:00) Fiji Islands
121    (GMT +12:00) Auckland,Anadyr
122    (GMT +12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (RTZ 11)
123    (GMT +12:00) Wellington
124    (GMT +12:00) Marshall Islands
125    (GMT +13:00) Nuku’alofa
126    (GMT +13:00) Samoa


Revision History

24th October 2017: This is the initial post.


– G.



  1. Hi, I am a little confused as to how Polycom have Sydney and Brisbane in the same timezone? So currently if we are in Sydney should we be choosing Melbourne as the time zone? Any ideas?

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