Lync 2013 Resource Toolkit

This is my personal go-to page for Lync 2013 resources. Whilst Lync 2013 has largely gone the way of the dodo, I’ll update this page with releases as they come to my attention.

My Lync *2010* Resource Toolkit is here.

Have a read of the Lync 2013 Release Notes. There are a few known gotchas there.

Lync Server 2013 Security Update – May 2021 – 5.0.8308.1144

Client Update – May 2020

Kb 4484289. The official version number of this update is 15.0.5241.1000, although you’ll see it documented in Help/About as 15.0.5233.1000. This apparent discrepancy is confirmed by the ‘lync-x-none.msp file information’ details in the kb article.

There are no specific fixes listed, other than that “this update improves translations for multiple language versions of Skype for Business 2015 (Lync 2013).”

This is the client fix itself:

  • x86 (lync2013-kb4484289-fullfile-x86-glb.exe)
  • x64 (lync2013-kb4484289-fullfile-x64-glb.exe)

You’ll find more info in this post.

Lync Phone Edition Update – April 2017

This update takes Phone Edition to 4.0.7577.4531.
Download the relevant CAB files from here:

LRS / “SRS” – April 2016

Kb3155873. 15.15 – April 2016:

Official Microsoft bits

Utils & Tools


Third-party contributions

Utils, Tools & Scripts


Lync Blogs & related websites

My own posts

  • Get-InvalidRgsAgents.ps1 decodes instances of warnings 31137 & 31138 from your Event Logs to identify invalid RGS agents, and optionally cleanses them from the Agent Group(s).
  • Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1 takes a backup of a Sonus SBC1000 or 2000 gateways and turns much of the content into a Word document. It saves you a lot of screen-scraping pain in your as-built, and can be a handy debugging tool too!
  • MAdCaP.ps1 – a “script”, but actually presents a GUI for you to Manage Analog devices and Common area Phones
  • HIDnLync – adds shortcut keys to change your status or personal note. Interface with external hardware and use it to trigger a change in your Lync
  • Elyza is an auto-responding ‘bot for Lync. She started out as a means to test federation and help you run Lync demo’s single-handedly, but then my partner suggested I incorporate “ELIZA”, a text-based “chatterbot” that we both encountered in our high school years…
  • Profiles for Lync v2 – bounce between multiple Lync accounts with a click of the mouse. For Lync 2010 and Lync 2013
  • Script to list unused numbers


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