C-ChangePHP 2012 update

Whoops: Download file updated on May15th. The initial May 13th build used “short tags” in some sections. Now resolved.


With 4 days to go until the first birthday of my C-ChangePHP, I’m celebrating it early by releasing an update to “v2”.

This release fixes a few things that broke in iOS5, and adds a significant revamp of the way the presentation-layer code works:

  • Compatible with iOS5 / HTML5
  • All (?) of the formatting has been moved to the Style Sheet
  • It caters for iPhones and iPads (and other tablet devices) with automatic layout changes to optimise the screen real estate
  • Totally new JavaScript code that powers the selection of the rooms. The resulting changes to the code make it a LOT easier to tailor to your building from the sample provided
  • A new white-on-black theme (easily changeable if you don’t approve)

Download it from here >> Download

(15th May 2012 version)

Note that in this release I’ve not made ANY changes to the underlying communications engine (the c-bus_common and PHPTelnet pages) – it’s all in the sample pages, the CSS and images.

Click the images to be taken to a working demo version. (It’s in demo mode, so you’re not changing my lights, and the inputs from “reading” the bus are random values. The group names in table view  come from one of Clipsal’s sample C-gate XML files).



If you’re curious, the original v1 release is still available for download, and the demo pages remain online too. It’s all in this post.
I have the generosity of JonP to thank for this update. His CSS skills are amazing!

– Greig.


  1. Hi, your web interface for Cbus is just what I’ve been looking for. I have the Wiser Home Controller installed. Does this change anything or do I still point your code at the CNI which is on a differnt IP address?
    Many thanks

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