SfBS 2019 CU2 HF1 March 2020

Things have been a bit quiet on the updates front of late, and today’s hotfix for SfB Server 2019 barely caused a ripple. This update builds upon December’s CU2, only updating two components on my SE Front-End. It takes the build from 7.0.2046.151 to 7.0.2046.216.

What’s Fixed?

  • Kb 4552637 “Fatal error during installation” error when uninstalling MacpWebComponents.msp in Skype for Business Server 2019.

What’s New?

This update is the vehicle for a “Phase 2” feature update of the Modern Admin Control Panel (aka MACP), released in CU1 last year.

New are the “Conferencing” and “Federation and External Access” tabs. It’s noted that the “Dial-In Access” sub-tab under Conferencing is not ready yet and it will be part of the next phase.

“We have also enabled Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to the Admin panel and the mechanism to provide different access permissions remains similar to the old Silverlight based panel.”

Read more about the MACP in this post on the Tech Community site.

Any New Cmdlets?

Nope. There are no new cmdlets added in this update.

What’s Changed?

Nothing noted.

Known Issues

Nothing noted.



Don’t forget it you’ve not patched your server yet, you’ll need some more Windows features:

install-windowsfeature ManagementOdata,Web-Lgcy-Scripting,Web-WMI,Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console,Web-Mgmt-Service

Here’s the “before” view of it going on to my Lab’s Standard Edition Front-End:


Depending on your “before” stance you might need to run Bootstrapper after the install. There’s no harm doing it regardless:

PS C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2019\Deployment> .\Bootstrapper.exe


No, the installer didn’t prompt for a reboot, but I always like to give it one anyway:

Should you bother?

You might have looked at the lone kb referenced and think “nah, not worth the effort”. On first glance I tend to agree with you, HOWEVER, this release (at .216) is SIXTY-FIVE builds more advanced than that of CU2’s .151. Given the relative youth of SfBS2019, I’d wager there’s more in there than one lone fix. You don’t do 65 builds of a product to fix one “Fatal error during installation” do you? My recommendation: do it.

Revision History

20th March 2020: This is the initial release.

21st March 2020: Added the Bootstrapper reference and the MACP details. Thanks to Luis (below) and @ErwinBierens for bringing this to my attention.


– G.


  1. I recently installed SfB Server 2019 and noticed the Skype Meetings landing page is very old compared to my SfB 2015 server.

    The 2015 server looks modern and the 2019 version is showing a 2014 copyright and looks very dated.

    Has anyone noticed this or is it just my install?

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