New Tenor Firmware P108-09-23

I’ve just stumbled across a June firmware update for the Sonus nee NET nee Quintum Tenor family. This update takes us from P108-09-21 to P108-09-23. (I wrote about the last release HERE).

Interestingly, it fixes a problem I didn’t even know I had!

4916 PSTN_to_SIP call: Music on Hold not heard when Lync put Call on Hold
When a call was made from the PTSN to Tenor to Lync and then the call was put on hold from the Lync side with a re-INVITE SDP from Lync Mediation contained a=sendonly, the PSTN caller could not hear the music on hold played from the Lync Server. This has been resolved.

You can read all of the release notes HERE. Given the firmware isn’t available for public download it would be inappropriate for me to plonk it here – for that you’ll need to raise a request via the Sonus portal.

I’ve always found the DOS process the easiest way to upgrade these, and it remains unchanged for this release:

  • Unzip the software update into a new or empty directory
  • Launch a Command Prompt
  • Navigate to the folder that the new firmware is in
  • FTP to the Tenor and login
  • Enter the following commands in sequence
    • bin
    • hash
    • prompt
    • mput *.* [allow around 60-80s for this on a local network]
    • get reset.sys [ignore the “File “reset.sys” not found or permission problem” error – it’s rebooting!]

Done! After the box has rebooted, telnet to it and “show –v“ to confirm the new version. (You did back it up first, didn’t you?? “show –l”).




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