Lync Server 2013 Update – February 2015

This rather juicy update takes Lync Server 2013 from 5.0.8308.866 to 5.0.8308.871 – or 5.0.8308.872 depending upon where you look.

What’s Fixed?


  • KB 3037071 Location monitoring report does not show regions and site names in a Lync Server 2013 environment
  • KB 3034784 Lync Server 2013-based client crashes or disconnects from a meeting when an anonymous user ends audio lines of a call
  • KB 3034783 LS Storage Service event 32054 after you enable Lync 2013 Mobility in an Exchange 2010 environment
  • KB 3034782 Non-clickable hyperlinks setting does not work in a conversation with external users in a Lync Server 2013-based client
  • KB 3034779 Lync Monitoring report does not show names under “Sites and Subnet” column
  • KB 3034778 Rtcsrv.exe crashes when invalid address book normalization rules are defined in Lync Server 2013
  • KB 3034780 Lync Server 2013 Control Panel crashes when you access the Route tab under the Voice Routing tab
  • KB 3034776 Memory leak occurs in w3wp.exe, MediationServerSvc.exe, and sqlservr.exe in a Lync Server 2013 environment
  • KB 3034781 Central Management Store file replication is slow or incomplete in a Lync Server 2013 environment
  • KB 3034777 Lync Server 2013-based RGS agent receives a toast for a second waiting call after agent accepts the first waiting call

What’s New?

  • Adds the “EnableSkypeUI” switch to CsClientPolicy, in readiness for the forthcoming Skype For Business client update.



My lab Front-End here’s not the most blessed with resources, and it took 23 minutes to install this – and more than 15 of that was the final Web Components step. Hopefully in production you’re running a system more in line with Microsoft’s recommendations so it should be much quicker. The end of the process prompts for a reboot. Here’s the ‘before” view:


The September update last year listed as a pre-req that “You must make sure that all instances of the Event Viewer and Performance Monitor windows are closed before you install this cumulative update” so it’s best to follow that guidance here – especially if your servers AREN’T presently already at least at 5.0.8308.815.

Other than that requirement, the update process remains much the same as usual, although the installation process for the Windows Fabric update (NOT required this time if you’re already on 5.0.8308.815 or later, as per my image above) also requires all Lync services are stopped before you run the installer. If your server is running at version 5.0.8308.291 or later (which I think just about covers everything BUT an unpatched brand new server) you only need to run my steps 1-5 below:

  1. Check you’re ready for this: run “Get-CsPoolUpgradeReadinessState”
  2. Stop-CsWindowsService
  3. Get-CsWindowsService – just to make sure
  4. Run the update – it won’t want a reboot but it WILL drop your users off!
  5. Update “configured databases”, making sure you don’t overlook your Persistent Chat, Monitoring and Archiving Databases. NB: Take extra care – and read the kb guidance – if you’re Mirroring, or have co-located databases
  6. Update the CMS (ONLY if it’s hosted on a Lync 2013 server & ONLY if you’re still on RTM, aka 5.0.8308.0)
  7. Enable the Mobility service (with Enable-CsTopology)
  8. Enable UCWA by running bootstrapper.exe on all Front-End and Director servers

A good test after applying the updates is to run Pat’s “Get-CsDatabaseUpdateStatus” script just to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

Revision History

21st February: This is the original publication.
11th April: Updated “What’s New?” to add the EnableSkypeUI reference.

– G.

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