I’ve been following one of Tom Morgan’s excellent tutorials on creating Bots for Microsoft Teams, and I hit an unexpected hurdle very early on in the process – but as it turns out, the fix was a simple one.
Resource provider 'Microsoft.BotService' not registered for the subscription
Fair enough, I say. Let’s register.
I navigated to All Services then searched for and selected Subscriptions, then selected my Subscription and Resource Providers. There were a lot there, so I filtered for microsoft.bot, only to be greeted by the news that I *was* already registered:
Seeing as I was already here and there was an option to Unregister, I went down that path. Refresh, wait a bit, Register and BOOM, I was back on the air.
The moral of the story? Even in the cloud, turning something off and back on again remains a viable fix.
Revision History
9th August 2019: This is the initial publication.
– G.
Thank you Greg. It would have taken me a while to try that. It worked perfectly.
Thanks, Greg. Same issue, same solution. You’re doing the Lord’s work.
Can confirm that this still does the trick in late ’20
It’s one of those things Keith. If it does, it does…