Azure – Resource Provider Not Registered

I’ve been following one of Tom Morgan’s excellent tutorials on creating Bots for Microsoft Teams, and I hit an unexpected hurdle very early on in the process – but as it turns out, the fix was a simple one.

Resource provider 'Microsoft.BotService' not registered for the subscription

Fair enough, I say. Let’s register.

I navigated to All Services then searched for and selected Subscriptions, then selected my Subscription and Resource Providers. There were a lot there, so I filtered for, only to be greeted by the news that I *was* already registered:

Seeing as I was already here and there was an option to Unregister, I went down that path. Refresh, wait a bit, Register and BOOM, I was back on the air.

The moral of the story? Even in the cloud, turning something off and back on again remains a viable fix.

Revision History

9th August 2019: This is the initial publication.

– G.


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