SfB 2015 Topology Publish Failed

I was tinkering in the Lab recently creating a new Trusted App through PowerShell, and at the “Enable-CsTopology” step it failed with a less-than-helpful error:


Enable-CsTopology : Command execution failed: "1" error categories reported in topology document.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enable-CsTopology
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Enable-CsTopology], DeploymentException     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProcessingFailed,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.ActivateTopologyCmdlet

Unfortunately the log file didn’t add any value:


Error: An error occurred: "Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.DeploymentException" ""1" error categories reported in topology document."


Topology Builder to the Rescue!

I remembered that Topology Builder in Skype for Business now reports topology validation errors, so I ran it up and it immediately pointed me to the problem:


The following validation errors prevent this topology from being published. Please contact your support team.
  • All services in a pool must be of the same version.

Aha! Yes, my hybrid configuration here had resulted in the gateway being cross-referenced between sites. Now I understood the error it was quickly resolved. Thank you Topo Builder!


– Greig.

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