I’ve apparently had a fascination for all things electrical and electronic since an early age. So the story goes, I managed to jam some keys in a power-point aged about 3, apparently blackening all around it but leaving me unharmed. In my teenage years I knew to scream out “I’m OK” if – alright, when – my tinkering resulted in a trip of the house’s solitary circuit breaker and plunged the place into darkness.
Electrical safety is something I think we all too often take for granted, perhaps these days lulled into a false sense of security by earth leakage circuit breakers, aka RCDs and marketed more commonly here in Australia as “safety switches”.
These “Residual Current Detectors” have a tiny differential relay in them and fire – tripping the circuit – if the current that’s going out the Active wire isn’t ALL returning via the Neutral, the logic being that some’s being shunted to ground elsewhere – maybe through you.
One menace these things aren’t going to protect you from is fire, and an electrical circuit can cause one of those when some resistance is encountered where it’s not meant to be – or too much current flows through a cable or joint of a given resistance.
“That’s where she burns from”
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