Lync tries to replicate its CMS to Exchange

There are a few places on the web where you can find a walk-through of the process to integrate Lync with Exchange 2010 OWA, including those of Ilse Van Criekinge and Jens Trier Rasmussen.

Ilse makes the throw-away comment “You should disable the replication of configuration data to this pool, to prevent CMS from trying to replicate to your Exchange server!” but doesn’t follow-through.

And yes, as the process is documented, Lync *will* try and replicate the CMS Database to Exchange, forever failing:

PS C:\> Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus
UpToDate           : False
ReplicaFqdn        : <ExchangeFQDN>
LastStatusReport   :
LastUpdateCreation : 8/01/2011 8:21:38 AM
ProductVersion     :

The missing commandlet is:

Set-CsTrustedApplicationPool <Exchange-FQDN> -RequiresReplication $false –verbose

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