“SEFAUtil” is one of the utilities in the Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit (“ResKit”), and permits an administrator to make a range of changes to a user’s phone forwarding settings from a command-line utility.
Jens has blogged on the not-insignificant pre-req’s of this UCMA-based util.
Beware however, that there are some bugs in the current 7577.0 version of the documentation:
When you issue any command to set, reset or query the user’s forwarding status, always use the user’s SIP URI / e-mail address without the “sip:” prefix.
Some of the examples in the doco indicate the command syntax needs to be in the format “sip:<username>@<sipdomain>”, but this is not correct.
The syntax as reported by “SEFAUtil.exe /?” is correct.
– G.